very interesting questions to ask sorted by


122 Random Questions to Ask

If you had unlimited resources, how would you live your life? One of the ways to appear interesting is by having interesting things to ask.

300 Interesting Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

If over time you replace parts on a car, at what point does it stop being the same car you bought? You'll undoubtedly have a good time.

81 Funny Questions to Ask

Funny questions are great for generating a laugh and breaking the ice, and sometimes they can be downright silly.

63 Best Weird Questions to Ask

If you could invite three people to dinner, living or dead, who would you invite? If you had to change your name then which one would be the new? Do you "stan" any celebrities? Have a laugh at the expense of literature, and find out about her tastes in books.

93 Interesting Questions to Ask a Girl

And because of that, they're powerful to know, to help keep conversations interesting.

81 Funny Questions to Ask

Who knows, maybe missing a few toes will become a fashion statement! Ask questions that relate to the place you are.

300 Interesting Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

If you could run one business, which would it be, and how would you change it? If you had all the money in the world, what would be the first thing you'd buy? Avoid the dullness by making sure you use these exciting ice breaker questions the next time you try to get people to open up.

93 Interesting Questions to Ask a Girl

Maybe you can plan a get together to rewatch all those classic episodes.

210 Questions to Ask Friends (For All Situations)

How much time can you spend bathing? Do you think the present is better than 50 years ago? You might bring the conversation back from the brink of failing.

210 Questions to Ask Friends (For All Situations)

If you see me naked, what comes in your mind? Paris Hilton, Pamela Underson and Jennifer Lopez? Do you think people need to post everything on social media? When you were a kid, did you look forward to being an adult? Do You Save Or Spend? Do you have any pet peeves? What is it about that thing that they just can't seem to enjoy? Do you have any siblings? I have one head, one foot, and four legs.