would you rather questions relationships sorted by


Would you rather questions for your boyfriend or girlfriend

Would you rather live somewhere really hot or super cold? Would you rather date a player who has lots of admirers or a plain and unpopular person who only has you? At the same time, remember that these questions are doing more than passing the time, they're telling her how you feel and Choose questions that tell her the right things about you.

99 Best Would You Rather Questions (Intriguing and fun questions to ask)

If you're not familiar, these are either-or questions offering two equally unpleasant options.

90+ Fun Would You Rather Questions For Your Boyfriend — WYRQ

Would you rather spend your life savings to save a dying friend or keep it for your future needs? Would you rather have diarrhea during your wedding ceremony or have it during your wedding night? Unless your crush moonlights as a diplomat, he is going to have a hard time extricating himself from this one.

The Best Would You Rather Questions: The Ultimate List

Would you rather eat a meal cooked by your mom or a local diner? What to Do Before You Start the Questions Game Sexual would you rather questions demand a higher level of focus and concentration and therefore, all the players have to be mentally present and actively participate.

151 Interesting Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Would you rather get married or date infinitely? Here, we have listed some interesting, some usual, some funny, and some intense but harmless questions for you to start with.

40 Flirty Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Guy

Would you rather be good looking but never find true love, or be bad looking but you have found your true love? Would you rather go into the past with me or see the future with me? Would you rather have every girl fall in love with you except the one you truly love, or every girl treats you moderately but the one you truly love loves you back? Would you rather cheat on someone you love or cheat because you are bored and pretending to be with someone? Would you rather volunteer at a homeless shelter or be a tutor for underprivileged kids? Another chance at life sounds pretty appealing.

143 Would Your Rather Questions On Love and Relationships for Guys/Girls

Would you rather have a photographic memory or have the ability to delete bad memories? Would you rather make the first move or wait for her to do it? Would you rather have s x in the shower or in the kitchen counter? Would you rather be glued to your loved one for life or never see them again? Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence? Would you rather burp or fart all of the time? Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media? Would you rather be able to snap your fingers for a clean house or your socks come out of the laundry automatically sorted? Ask, and then give her one.

97 Would You Rather Questions for Couples

An ex is the easy answer because you have been with them before, so it is easier to make that transition again.

63 Flirty Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather take amazing selfies but look terrible in all other photos or be photogenic everywhere but in your selfies? Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with someone you hate for one day, or with someone you love for five days? Would you rather you find me red handed or you hear about it from friends? It reminds them to pay more attention to you.

40 Flirty Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Guy

Would you rather meet someone who is absolutely perfect for you and spend the rest of your life together or gain the ability to make anyone fall in love with you? Everyone is naturally adverse to diseases like HIV, and many people would not be able to handle dating someone who has the disease.

143 Would Your Rather Questions On Love and Relationships for Guys/Girls

Would you rather date a hot girl with a bad personality or an ugly girl with a great personality? We'd go with the one that smells nice you can always close your eyes and not look at them! Would you rather be a lifeguard or firefighter? Would you rather be under-dressed or overdressed at a party? This question can uncover what your significant other finds truly valuable.

40 Flirty Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Guy

Would you rather forget to read or to speak? That's especially true when dealing with you need answers to but are afraid to ask.