questions to ask a guy sorted by


66 Personal Questions to Ask a Guy

However, it is important to not only know what questions to ask, but also to ask them right.

56 Deep Questions to Ask a Guy to Build Attraction

Mistakes are what shape us and help us grow.

100 Questions to Ask a Guy

But most people will probably say both! Who is the one person you go to when you need advice? Do you like to be famous? What was the funniest prank your friends played on you? If you were a famous YouTube blogger, what would your videos be about? How much money is enough money for you? Furthermore, how would humanity as a whole handle either scenario? Which is your favorite color? Have you ever broken the law? What has been your favorite age so far? What is your take on having a family? And how has this changed how he approaches relationships today? What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done? What will you never allow someone else to do to you? What qualities make someone a genuinely decent human being? This question is likely to get him to share a story with you when he learned this lesson and why it has shaped his life in such a big way.

66 Personal Questions to Ask a Guy

Tell in three words how your friends would describe you? Use them properly and the next time you're having an interesting conversation with a guy, you'll be all set to potentially.

21 Questions to Ask a Guy

What is one thing you never get bored of? What skill do you wish you could master? Asking him if there is any secret you need to know gives him the opportunity to come clean.

300+ Best Questions To Ask A Guy

Have you ever made a decision that changed the course of your life? Tell me the most embarrassing experience you had in bed.

300+ Superb Questions to Ask a Guy to Get to Know Him

This thought-provoking question will reveal a lot about how he processes the things that happen to him, and will also show what his outlook is in general.

56 Deep Questions to Ask a Guy to Build Attraction


100 Good Questions To Ask A Guy That Will Bring You Closer Together

Opening up about what you suck at requires you to let your guard down.

100 Questions to Ask a Guy

Do you have any phobias? Who is the most important person in your life? His answer will likely show you what he believes to be important to you or 25.