esl conversation questions getting to know each other sorted by


70 Icebreaker Questions For Adults

Are you religious or spiritual? If a question takes you down a different conversational thread then go with it.

222 Questions to Get to Know Someone (Casual to Personal)

, how it feels like pulling teeth to learn anything about your brother-in-law.

101 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

How often do you go out? Do you have a work best friend? How do you pick yourself back up after making a mistake at work? How do you cope with stressful situations? What is the weirdest thing that your family does together? What is your least favorite thing to study? Are you close to your parents, and why? If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Pickup lines are notoriously awful, so why not share a laugh over some of the worst? Are you a coffee or tea person? When you were a kid, what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up? How long was your shortest relationship? Use "conversational threading" to avoid awkward silence• What do people do when they meet a new person in your culture? Have I done something recently that I could be proud of? Do you like your current career or want to change it? Did your family have money when you were growing up? What would I change if I were the most influential person in the world? An effective sets the tone and tempo of your entire session.

30 Fun Icebreaker Questions To Get To Know Your Students

What kind of exercises do you like to do? If you could choose how to die, would you? What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Get out there and share some too! What do you look for in a relationship? What was your first paying job? Which family member do you confide in most? Where would you work if you could pick any job?• Did you ever get to meet your great-grandparents? Do you think the older generation has missed out on not having social media? On the other hand, if the training session is about , you might ask participants to identify the aspects of meetings that drive them crazy.

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Which of your personality traits are you most proud of? What do you like to eat? What animal would you consider your spirit animal? What are the hobbies you never found time for thus far? What are the three things that I am most grateful for? Are families less important nowadays than in the past?• How much money would I be willing to give to those in need if I won the lottery? How do you deal with arguments between family members? Do you have any pets? Is there corruption in your country?• I have taught ESL to children, teens and adults.


On top of this, try not to interrupt a student once they are speaking.

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What am I willing to go the extra mile for? Why do you like your favorite book? How do you motivate yourself in your career? Would you like to live abroad? Want to have a happier, healthier marriage? What was the best phase in your life? Even very confident speakers can struggle when trying to get to know people in a group setting.

Questions to get to know each other, if you are looking

Do you shake hands with someone new always, usually, sometimes, never? What superpower would you like to have and why? If you could have a theme song that played when you entered a room, what would it be? Funny Get to Know You Questions for Kids Kids are often like open books.

222 Questions to Get to Know Someone (Casual to Personal)

Update: Many school educators have used this free resource to help children learn English ESL conversations.

222 Questions to Get to Know Someone (Casual to Personal)

• What is something you like to do that other people would probably consider "weird" if they knew? Do you think a man should be the provider in a family? Has anything happened to you that would make a funny video? Do you volunteer at all? "Anytime you reveal personal information to someone else, it increases intimacy between you and the other person," says Orbuch.

101 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

There are literally thousands upon thousands of things you can talk to a child about.